One of our goals for queerfeMS 2017 was to offer as many lectures and workshops in sign language. Unfortunately we underestimated the difficulties and costs that are involved in finding professionals who could translate into sign language and have to confess that it will not be possible this year. It is a very disappointing result for us but we miscalculated the efforts needed to organize translators and most of the financial requests have still not been granted until now.
All together, we could not offer translations into sign language in the way we had wished for, and therefore we have decided not to continue with our plans. We can assure you that we have learned from our mistakes and we will use this experience for other events to fulfill this important goal in the future.
We apologize for all the possible exclusions we might cause this time on the queerfeMS 2017. If you have any comments, critics, experiences or suggestions, we would be very thankful for your thoughts!
Your queerfeMS-team