Queerfeminist Summer Camp 2017 – orga team is looking for support!

This year, we want to organise the second Queerfeminist Summer Camp in Münster and we need support for our team. Last year, the first camp took place in Coerde, surrounded by nature. There were music, workshops, lectures and talking rounds. We were supplied with tasty (vegan) food by a cooking collective. People were camping and in the evenings, we sat at the fire, telling stories and playing the guitar. The camp should be a place for networking, for learning from each other and for encouragement and we got a lot of positive feedback.

But there was also some criticism. Some people told us that some perspectives were not (enough) included. We got the feedback that the program was very white. Trans people criticized that some needs were not taken into account and that trans people were made invisible in some lectures and workshops when the speakers talked about „men“ and „women“ only. The camp area and the toilets were not (easily) accessible for wheelchairs. Lectures and workshops haven’t been translated into sign language.

This year, we want to try it again and learn from the criticism and the helpful ideas! We want to plan a camp that includes more perspectives, is more accessible and that is a place where many different people can feel good the way they are!

But for that, we need your help!
Because at the moment, we are a quite small orga group and think (without rejecting the criticism mentioned above) that we need to be more people to improve things! We’re looking forward to new ideas and proposals! We don’t have a fixed plan, but want to come together and think about: Where and when? How long? Which subjects and issues do we want to deal with, what’s important to us? And so on…

The orga meetings should be an empowering place of networking especially for people defining themselves as genderqueer, trans, inter, non-binary and/or female. An attentive and appreciating behaviour towards each other is important to us.

But who are „we“ actually? Momentaneously, we are 6 white persons who are not being handicapped, are mostly studied and between 25 and 33 years old. We try to reflect on our privileges and learn more about it. We would be happy to have more perspectives and backgrounds in our group!

If you’d like to deal with queer/feminist issues and organise an event lasting several days according to your wishes and ideas, then feel invited to our public planning meeting: Wednesday, May 3rd at 6 pm at the neben*an (Warendorfer Str. 45-47, 48145 Münster).

You can contact us via feminismus_ms@riseup.net.